Monday, October 12, 2009

Final Animation Video

Rendered Sketches of Laptop

Laptop Concept Development + Refinements

1. Developing Laptop joining idea for rotation (double screen),
and also inbuilt case idea (turns into bag-when laptop fully closed).

2. Refined views of Laptop (variety of views, and closer look
at areas like screen, drawing tablet etc..)

3. Final refining laptop idea on Rotation / Foldable Style.
Sketches show how idea of double screen work, and
keyboard on one side and tablet on the other.

Laptop Concepts

1. Concepts on variety of Laptop Forms / Aesthetics.

2. Concepts on Form, idea of Duo screens, and
inbuilt case. Curved laptop idea chosen from this page.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Google Sketchup Laptop Series.

1. Double Screen. (Inbuilt Laptop Case, turns into a bag when fully closed).
 *View chosen for final A3 Rendering. 

2. Slim Design. Side View of Laptop.

3. LED Screen, Inbuilt Webcam & Drawing tablet + pen. 
Keyboard on other side of tablet. 

4. LED Screens, Inbuilt webcam and side speakers. 
In-built case.

5. Laptop screens on both sides. It fully rotates
when the bottom part is moved forward & locks in 
place when its pushed backward.

6. Top frontal view. *View chosen for final A3 Rendering. 

7. Side View *View chosen for final A3 Rendering. 


1. Mind mapping Laptops + body interactions / affects by the product.
Mind map includes addressing features & function of Laptop design to be met for the final design. Features (New LED Screen technology, Inbuilt Touch screen facility, Motion hinges etc), and Function (Size- laptop+inbuilt case) & few ideas on rotation /its unique folds.

2. Research + Mind map Laptop's Function & Use.
Mind map addresses not only laptop's use/function (including energy usage, materials)
but also includes ideas on sustainability in laptop design.

Researching Laptops + Cases

1. Laptop Research.
Researching variety of laptop types, questioning form & style,
also stability & user-friendliness.

2. Fold able & Rotatable Laptop Research.
Researching variety of rotatable, fully fold able,
double screens types, multi-usage laptops.

3. LAPTOP CASES Research.
Researching variety of cases (inbuilt / separate), handbag types,
durable, waterproof, ergonomic & user friendly designs etc.


1. Final Rendered Side view of Laptop.
Used digital rendering (finished like effect), through gradients,
adding highlights, and use of shadows in Photoshop.

2. Final Rendered Frontal top view of Laptop.
Used digital rendering (brush tool effect), through variety of brush strokes/ styles,
light/dark effects, highlights etc and finally added typography in Photoshop.

3. Final Rendered Back view of Laptop.
Used digital rendering (finished like effect), through gradients,
adding highlights, shadows & logo (text/perspective)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Datum- Final 3D Texture

Created original 3D datum pattern, and repeated it to create an effect
of a center point. Further added an original 2D pattern as background.

Rhythm- Final 3D texture

Created Rhythm through repetition and placement of circles, and 
by creating layers. Added original 2D pattern onto it, and created
dark background & shadow in Photoshop.

Figure-Ground-Final 3D Texture

Placed the original 3D pattern; and added background 
of similar color with original 2D design into it,
Light/Dark & positive/negative effect= figure-ground effect.

Hierarchy-Final 3D Texture

Created hierarchy by repetition and placement of 
curved pattern, and blocks next to it. Added original
2D texture to create further impact.

Contrast-Final 3D Texture

Generated blocky building like object on left contrasted 
with the busy line pattern on right. Got color inspirations
from original 2D and added shadows to create effect.

Asymmetry-Final 3D Texture

Created 3D floral pattern, repeated it to create a distance effect.
Added colors from 2D texture, and created leafy background.

Symmetry-Final 3D Texture

Created original symmetrical 3D pattern,
and added the 2D texture effect onto it. 
Further added a plain background and shadows 
effect to emphasize it.

Composition- Final 3D Texture

Created curved 3D pattern through placement,
repetition of curves, and further added the manipulated
original 2D background to create an effect of composition.

Repetition-Final 3D Texture

Through repetition of curved 3D Pattern in variety 
of ways, and further adding the original 2D texture,
repetition was created. 

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Proportion Final 3D Texture

Created variety of three 3D boxes & proportionally 
ordered it onto each other. Further added
Original 2D texture onto it, and final shadow effect.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Repetition- Original 2D Patterns.

1. Chosen 2D Repetition Pattern.
Repetition of bird pattern and placing
it with center alignment. Focus is on curved
pattern drawn out.

2. Repetiton & placement of continuous
windmill like pattern, creates Repetition.

3. Created an illusion like boxes which
drags attention to center left. Dark & Light
emhasizes repetition as well.

Rhythm- Original 2D Patterns.

1. Chosen 2D Rhythm Pattern.
Through repetition of circular forms, layering and
placement of it, alongside positive/ negativer
spaces, creates an effect of Rhythm.

2. Created Rhythm, through constant repetition of
angular blocks + lines pattern. Also emphasized it
with positive & negative pattern.

3. Rhythm created through repetiton of
angular forms in particualr manner.
Also dominated with lines & blocks.

Proportion- Original 2D Patterns.

1. Chosen 2D proportion Pattern.
Created an effect of proportion by arranging lined box pattern.
Also dominating it by positive and negative shape.

2.Created an effect of proportion by
placement of boxes alongside page layout.

3. By placing the curved area in middle, and proportionally
arranging the little line pattern following it.

Composition- Original 2D Patterns.

1. Chosen 2D Composition Pattern.

Composed the curved pattern in center,
with dominating line pattern on top.

2. Through placement of V shaped pattern along page,
also with the continuous slanting lines creates Composition.

3. Composed variety of patterns in bottom center.
On top center, composed traingular / rectngular forms.

Hierarchy- Original 2D Patterns.

1. Chosen 2D Hierarchy Pattern.
Through arrangement of curved patterns
from left, and dominanting them from
big to small, creates hierarchy.

2. A busy alphabetic pattern.
Clearly shows the dominant (left) ,
sub dominant (middle) and sub-ordinate
on right.

3. Hierarchy created by positive (box pattern
on right) and negative space (inside the
curved pattern on left).

Contrast- Original 2D Patterns.

1. Chosen 2D Contrast Pattern.
Through placement of busy line pattern on left,
and a building pattern on right,
strong Contrast was created.

2. Contrast created through two powerful forms
of traingular shape, and curvy pattern,
alongside busy and plain backgrounds.

3. A strong feel of contrast by shapes (curved
organic style) and continuos angled lines.